July to November 2022 Updates

Children’s Ministry in Pagrai (July to October)
We donated an electric fan for the Day Care Center in Pagrai to make the children more comfortable with good ventilation while they are studying and doing their activities in the center.

Last October we also had a Medical Mission in partnership with Dawn Harvest Ministry, and the children had undergone basic medical check-up and the families were educated about proper nutrition and good hygiene.

Please pray that our partnership with the community will continue with regards to our Christian Values Education and Discipleship Program with about 40 to 50 children in the area.



Mission Night (August)
We are thankful for the Mission Night in Gothenburg, Sweden last August! It was a time where we could gather our partners from different churches in Sweden, together with our family, and friends. We are also thankful to the Lord for a wonderful time in Sweden during the Summer and Autumn 2022. It was a time of building relationships, sharing our testimonies, encouraging, updating and praying for one another!



Inarawan House Church (July to November)
Our house church in Inarawan is continuously meeting weekly for prayer meetings, bible studies, and worship services. We are happy to see families in the community meeting together and having fellowship to study the Word of God, and praying for one another. They have been setting an example and being a good testimony to their neighbors despite their hardships in life.



Inarawan Children’s Ministry (October to November)
We praise the Lord for the initiative of our local leaders in Inarawan to start a new Children’s ministry in their area! They have started to reach out to about 20 to 40 new children in the community. They have been teaching bible stories to the children, doing arts and crafts, and having snacks together! We pray that the children and families would continually grow in their relationship with Christ, and become a positive impact in their community.



Education for the Youth (August to November)
We congratulate John, Alex, and Anne for completing their Junior High School education last August, through the Alternative Learning System program! And now we are thankful for Francis, who had decided to continue his Senior High School education. He is taking the Technical Vocational Livelihood track with Information and Communications Technology strand. He is continuously part of our Scholarship Program, and undergoing our Leadership and Discipleship Training Program through his volunteer work and participation with our different ministries. Let us pray that he would be able to finish his studies, and be able to achieve his dreams, and God’s plan for his life! We pray that we can continue to have scholars to support in their education and in their personal development!



Inarawan Ministry 4th Anniversary (November)
We thank the Lord for His faithfulness in our ministry in Barangay Inarawan (Sitio St. Anthony). We had a whole day celebration with praise and worship, listening to the Word of God, games, presentation, sharing of testimonies, food, and we ended the day with sports fellowship by playing basketball! We also had an opportunity to partner with a local church in the area, Dawn Harvest – Padilla Chapter, and hoping that we can continually do ministries together in bringing transformation in the community.

Thank you so much for your partnership and support in our different ministries!


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