Welcome to Hillside Sanctuary!
(Calawis, Antipolo City)
Farm, Retreat, Trainings, Hiking, Camping
- a place of rest & refuge
- a place of prayer & worship
- a place to enjoy and experience the beauty of God’s creation
- a place to have fun & laugh with family and friends
Please send us a message thru Messenger https://www.facebook.com/smallstepsc, or email us at smallstepsc@gmail.com.
We are an international and interdenominational Christian organization with the aim to work with local communities in the areas of outreach, education, livelihood programs, and other social services.
To see Christ-centered communities working for a just and humane society, where people experience transformation in different areas of life from the spiritual, physical, social and economic.

It is our desire to see children growing as responsible citizens who have a positive impact in their community.
It is our desire that our mission and vision would be realized when the people and the community will experience a holistic transformation which includes their economic needs.
It is our desire that young people would be able to see their Christian faith that is relevant and that would bring change in their lives and communities for the better.
In local community context, it is important that the approach in church planting strategy is holistic to bring transformation in the lives of the people. Discipleship should deal with the social, the economic, and the spiritual aspects of their lives.

Looking Back – Highlights of 2024 – Doulos Hope in Manila
The Doulos Hope sent a team to help us in our different ministry areas. We were glad to meet the team composed of members from different countries like Thailand, Laos, and Zambia.

Summer Family Day and Baptism
Small Steps for Change had a summer family day! We had a worship service, and praise the Lord together! We had food fellowship, and the families enjoyed playing games, and swimming. We also had a baptism celebration!
It was a fun filled day where families can have bonding time, build relationships with one another, and give glory to God!