Children’s Book Club

We had our first “Children’s Book Club” activity with the children last September. The children were so excited to be able to meet again after not being able to meet each other for a long time as a group. We had a wonderful time singing together, listening to a Bible story, and praying together. We showed them how to borrow books from our small library, and encouraged them to use the books for their learning and enjoyment!

This is part of our “Spark of Hope” project, where we are starting a small library that children can borrow books to read. During this pandemic time, the library would complement the modular learning that the government is implementing. The library would help them to have resources to be able to answer the printed materials that the schools are distributing to them. It would also be a free time activity for them, so that their love for reading would continue to grow!

We are still accepting brand new or 2nd hand storybooks (or school books) for children and young people. If you are doing general cleaning during this time, and you realize that you have books to donate to free up space in your homes, and at the same time bring smiles to children’s faces, feel free to contact us. Please message us your email address, and we will give you more information, on how to send your donations, and where to deliver the books. We also accept financial assistance to be able to buy new books.

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